“Night Views” is a Light based installation, located within a building’s windows in Montreuil (the former City Hall, which is currently managed by the Plateau Urbain (Opale) structure. This installation is visible from the outside.  A dialogue of Light is created thanks to large collages placed onto windows which face the street. The Light from inside the building allows the message to be perceived even clearer from the outside. The text, made of these stencilled letters delivers a positive message, but one that is also reflective : LIGHT NEEDS NIGHT.
Important in this project is the fact that the installation is viewed from the outside. Passers-by and locals can see it freely and spontaneously.
In fact, in this multidisciplinary work, “space” is a tool and a pretext: via the elaboration of investigative spaces that question the fragility of time, the rigidity of space and the lucidity of memory, nature of presence in the present. 
Subjective temporality and the traces caused by the human body are the subject of my artistic research.
The project was ephemeral, visible on the night of October 2 to 3, 2021.
In the public space, I am interested in transparent surfaces, windows, glass, which serve as defector borders that allow light, either on the outside or the inside, to pass through to the other side. Even walls, rather interior, mute and invisible but their complex existence try to tell us something about them, about us. Texts, words, letters, superimposed on these light invisible barriers position themselves as their deep voices. They are markings of territory, of property, of secrets. I write short words, which will be composed according to the size of the surface, and which will either be very visible or very subtle. This multifunctional visual that fits into daily flows of passers-by of the public. Will the words be metaphorical or poetic, what do they question? 
My visual installations take into account the character of the space, the context, the willingness to dialogue with others via surfaces. These fields of experimentation and artistic sharing allow me to create installations of visual, sound texts on the visible interior and exterior surfaces. (like Night Views, produced during the Nuit Blanche 2021) a light-based installation, located in the windows of a building. A dialogue of light  was created thanks to large collages placed on windows overlooking the street. Light from inside the building allowed the message to be perceived even more clearly from the outside. The text, made of stenciled letters, delivers a positive message, but also reflective. In another case, it was: THE LIGHT NEEDS THE NIGHT, three words: LIGHT NEEDS NIGHT intervenes in the public space aiming to interact within the context of our existence. I install letters cut out of stencils that represent a sentence related to space and its context. I want to do something with text, which speaks to people.
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