...The city's inhabitants were generally emigrants, asylum seekers or natives of Sweden, the Sumi people. I was able to visit a small part of the city, almost abandoned. There were houses already demolished, but there were still many abandoned...
67° 10' 25.15" N 20° 39' 16.259" E
67° 10' 25.15" N 20° 39' 16.259" E
67° 10' 25.15" N 20° 39' 16.259" E
67° 10' 25.15" N 20° 39' 16.259" E
67° 10' 25.15" N 20° 39' 16.259" E
67° 10' 25.15" N 20° 39' 16.259" E
67° 10' 25.15" N 20° 39' 16.259" E
67° 10' 25.15" N 20° 39' 16.259" E
67° 10' 25.15" N 20° 39' 16.259" E
67° 10' 25.15" N 20° 39' 16.259" E
les photos prises le 14.05.2023 vers 13h, Malmberget, Suède / photos taken on 05/14/2023 around 1 p.m., Malmberget, Sweden
probablement 2015
probablement 2015
capture d'écran sur la vue d’un partie de la ville Malmberget l’avant et actuellement // screenshot of the view of part of the city Malmberget before and now

Source - image du web, "photo d'archives montrant une vue aérienne de Malmberget, dans l'Arctique suédois. Un gouffre géant est apparu aux abords de la ville" : https://www.rcinet.ca/eye-on-the-arctic/2019/10/24/malmberget-sweden-lkab-mine-sinkhole/ 

/// Source - image from the web, "archive photo showing an aerial view of Malmberget, in the Swedish Arctic. A giant sinkhole has appeared on the outskirts of the town"

MALMBERGET - VANISHING CITY, writing project, in progress.
Having stayed this year in the Arctic Circle region, in the north of Sweden, for a residency project, I am planning a trip of curiosity at the end of it, to see the city destined for extinction.
On May 14, 2023, at 12:26 p.m. I found myself in Malmberget (“the mineral mountain” in French), the town which is undergoing depopulation in favor of iron extraction which continues underground, putting the inhabitants in danger. The Malmberget mine is one of the largest in the world and the largest with Kiruna in Europe. In my expedition, I document in photos, but it is the stories of two former inhabitants that seek my attention.
From this photographic documentation and the meeting, I am writing my next experimental document, continuing research on industrial cities and urban movement with economic benefits in the Arctic region.
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