and if I saw you, I could tell you what happened before and after your appearance. 
whether one glance would be enough in all this existence, and knowing not to see you before.
"Aurora, where are you" project is designed for a shipping container with 3 projectors. 
The immersion and the direct contact with the images around the viewer is a characteristic of the production and edit.
my work joins the project @im_konsthall <mobile gallery> initiated by @moskoselcreativelab which will travel to several Nordic cities in Sweden this summer.​​​​​​​
Preview of 3 videos
This is just a preview of 3 videos in 1 single file. The videos are to be watched in large shots in the space dedicated to the projection of 3 videos at the same time from 3 sides of the viewer.  >>> AURORA3 (preview version 3 in 1 ) 5076x1080 >>> AURORA3  (preview version 3 in 1 ) 5760x1080

The project residency was been fully funded by the European Union and implemented by the Goethe-Institut 
logistics and technical overview
 The aspect ratios, specifically of the middle video, were adapted to the dimension of the IM_KONSTHALL mobile gallery.

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